Running Journey

Published on 23 October 2024 at 10:10

                             Running Journey 


Before we start, I want to be  clear with what I'm all about and where I've come from. I've never won a race and I don't run a 5 minute mile, thought I have major respect for people who have done both! I am definitely a back of the pack runner, but boy do I love toeing the line!


To me, running and exercise has been a liberation. Running has always been apart of my life, and has gifted me with many things throughout the years. I enjoyed running races with my friends throughout my 20's, running then came easy and  was more of a social means than a fitness journey. In my late 20s and early 30's, as a dedicated cross-fitter and a fulltime firefighter, running was a means to keep my heart and lungs healthy and ready for the tasks ahead. My late 30's and early 40's- well lets just say that running became my liberation from pain, fear, and anger. I was working my way out of an abusive relationship, and was navigating Lupus which resulted in a whole new career path. The ground beneath me was so unsteady during that time. My self- worth, my strength, my foundation during those turbulent years weaned so low. But I felt a knowing, feeling unworthy wasn't aligned with who I truly am and with the person I was created to be. See, my soul knew I was worthy, but I let my thoughts and my mind's deep belief about my own unworthiness overpower my soul's knowing. I decided it was time to turn down the volume on my doubting mind and turn up the volume on the power of my knowing soul. I decided to trust myself. I'm a girl who knows that where we come from doesn't have to determine where we're going, and that making bad decisions in our past doesn't mean that we're bad. A girl who knows that the labels that others put on us and that we put on ourselves are removable, not permanent. A girl who knows we are not our past mistakes, we are our present and future intentions. And with that my life path shifted. 


"Here's what I know to be true: if we don't believe we're worthy of starting the business, of being in a loving, committed relationship, or of having healthy, empowering friendships...if we don't believe we're worthy of a seat at the table, writing the book, of running for office...If we don't believe we're worthy of rest, of celebrating our body exactly as it it, of soul care, of doing less and being more...If we don't believe we're worthy of showing up on social media authentically, of leading the team, of breaking the generational cycle, or of sharing our story with others...If we don't believe we're worthy because we've made to many mistakes, we've failed to many times, or because someone told us we weren't worthy and we believed them...If we don't believe we're worthy of all of these things we want and deserve, we'll never get them. In life, you don't soar to the level of your hopes and dreams, you stay stuck at the level of your self-worth. You don't rise to what you believe is possible, you fall to what you believe you're worthy of. "  Running became a catalyst and through it I have gained my power back.  The trails have always felt like a safe space for me, opportunities to push myself, to relax and reset, quiet hours for mediation, and solitude to do heart work.


Throughout this journey I have fallen in love with the sport of running, and the idea of constantly challenging myself. Over the years, I have run thousand of miles and completed numerous ultra marathons. Most important, I relish the moment when "can't" becomes "can." The endorphins we gain from running cannot be bought at Whole Foods or a juice shop. The confidence that running unlocks comes with a high that is earned, not given. I know that life. I'm about that life. I want to share it with you and I want you to share yours with me! 


When our footsteps are powered by motivation and a strong community the cadence is a drumbeat to doing something epic! I'm not showing up to play small, time to put in the work! 

Thank you for coming along on this journey with me.

Much love,


Nurse, Personal trainer, Wellness Coach 


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