Week 6: Day 3 Mindful Meditation

Published on 24 January 2024 at 13:40

Week 6: Day 3 Mindful Meditation


So often we question our self-worth and we measure our life based on our past, we measure our future based on what's happened to us. Am I worthy? Can I have that kind of love? Can I have that kind of success? Can I have that kind of wealth and abundance? The answer is yes, my dear friend. Everyone is inheritably worthy of value. It's your birthright to feel free and to express yourself joyfully. You have a right to feel loved, you have the right to have mad, passionate love for not only yourself but for others. 

Belief holds great power in your life and what you believe to be true of yourself has the ability to empower or destroy you. YOU are worthy, YOU are strong! As humans, we need truthful daily reminders amid the loud and sometimes faulty messages swirling around us. Strength is something you can stand on. When you see yourself as valued and loved, you understand you're worth fighting for and your confidence soars. You believe the goals you set for yourself are worth it because you are worth it! So you show up for the training, you keep going when you're tired, you push past all those self-imposing limits because you are worth it. 

I know that for many of us, we mistakenly place our self-worth in other peoples hands. We build up walls, and tear ourselves down based on how others have treated us. I have endured hurt like this, I have had my spirit beaten by someone that I loved and trusted and it rattled me to my very core. My idea of self, my value, my worth... all of it was so fragile. Trauma teaches you to expect and accept the bare minimum. But you have to choose strong - for yourself. It's not easy, and it takes work and heartache and an intense bravery. But it is worth it, to step into your own and choose strong. To create a new path for yourself. But you have to know that you are worthy of love, of feeling safe, and being supported. You have to make that change. In this new season, may you adjust your standards and learn to receive the maximum. You are worthy. You are enough. You deserve overflow. 

Belief is powerful. How do I stay motivated? Belief. How do I get up at 5:00 AM to train and then put in a 12 hour work day while raising a family? Belief. How do I rise from failure, heartache, and illness? Belief. How do I get myself out of bed when the world feels too heavy? Belief. It sounds basic, but when you plant that belief in love, it's strong and able to endure for all the days of your life. 


Know this: 

You are strong and worthy.

I hope you choose to believe it.

I hope you choose to stand in it,

Unaltered and fully valid 

Much love, 


RN, CPT, Wellness Coach

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