Week 5: Day 4 Mindful Affirmations
Welcome to Day 4! I hope that you have been enjoying this weeks mindfulness practice! I certainly have! Today's affirmations are going to center around gratitude.
Have you heard the quote "Gratitude creates positive Karma"? This quote got me reflecting deeply upon gratitude. I wanted to share some of these contemplations with you all, with the intention it will spark your own inner contemplation on gratitude and how to harness this healing and manifestation energy in your life.
So here are my current thoughts and experiences of gratitude...
-Gratitude is a high vibrational energy.
-Gratitude transforms our internal state of being which directly influences our experience of life.
-Gratitude helps us direct our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions to a positive focus. As we shift who we are on an internal level, and how we choose to relate to the world, we begin to change our external reality and the people and experiences we magnetize to us.
-For me, gratitude is a conscious daily practice.
-It is something I actively choose to cultivate and focus on. This is easier in the joyful moments and can require both determination and courage in the challenging ones.
-When I consciously choose to feel gratitude for my life, even for the simple things, I feel a tangible shift within myself. I begin to perceive things in new ways and become open to new possibilities and potentials.
The practice of gratitude is like going to the mental and emotional gym. When you first start it may feel a little strange or you may not feel authentic in your feelings of gratitude (you may even feel like you're faking it a little). However over time, this energy builds within us, we feel it in deeper, more authentic ways and then we start to naturally create more of this energy in our lives. people start reflecting this energy back to us, and more things to be grateful for start to flow into our experiences.
Being grateful regularly is more powerful than many of us realize and it can directly assist with physical well-being, in addition to creating abundance! I hope this post is helpful and gests you contemplating how you can cultivate more gratitude in your life (and when you do, watch how things start to shift!)
Thank you for creating a moment to read and reflect upon gratitude.
I am grateful for you.
Much love,
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